Healthcare Worker information

Conditions of Employment

Your Attendance

Once you have accepted an assignment you are expected to keep any appointments that are made for you. Members should be consistent and conscientious in their work, be punctual and stay for the assigned time allocated to that duty.

If the client does not require you for the full allotted time/shift please inform your Manager before you leave the premises. Whilst on duty you are not allowed to take children, family, friends or pets etc to your place of work.

Care Dynamics is open during the week, Monday to Friday, and consultants can be reached on the office telephone number after hours if you have an emergency or urgent query.

Holiday Pay

If you are planning time off or are going on holiday it will be helpful if you can give your Manager as much notice as possible of your availability.

The Company pay 12.07% of your pay to you as holiday pay. This is equivalent to 4 weeks holiday pay.

Your entitlement to annual holiday is in accordance with the terms of the Working Time Regulations 1998.

European Working Time Directive

The European Union has laid down guidelines for all workers governing the length of the maximum working week and the amount of night work that is safe to undertake.

Because there is no obligation for any worker to accept duties from the Company that he or she does not wish to undertake or complete, the Company will never compel you to work outside these guidelines.

However, because we do not know what other work you may be undertaking during a week, you will be asked to sign the declaration on the registration form acknowledging that you are aware of the guidelines and confirming that if you accept duties which would result in more than the recommended hours being worked, you have chosen to do so.

Sickness and Illness

You must report all illness, especially diarrhoea and/or vomiting, ear, nose and throat infections and any other problems immediately to your Manager.

If you are unfit for duty or are unable to attend an assignment that you have accepted, contact your Manager immediately so that alternative arrangements can be made for the client (24 hour on call service).

Under no circumstance ask/send another person not registered with the Company to attend the client, or otherwise make your own arrangements to cover the duty.

As Members are only employed for the duration of their shift and have no contract once the duty is finished, statutory sick pay does not become payable.

There is no company sick pay scheme, and Members who are unable to accept assignments due to sickness or ill health should contact their local Benefits Agency for advice.

Change of Personal Details

Please notify your Manager immediately if you change your name, address or telephone number, or those of your next of kin/person to be contacted in an emergency. You will be advised of the necessary documentation required to amend your details.


Because you are under no obligation to accept assignments, you can terminate your Membership at any time, preferably in writing.

However, where you have made advanced commitments to undertake duties, we would ask you to give at least one week’s notice of your intention to terminate your Membership.

On your termination you will be required to return your Care Dynamics identity badge and any other items of Company or client property you may have in your possession e.g. service user keys, papers or documents.

The Company can also terminate your Membership at any time.

Although it may, at its absolute discretion, provide you with a period of notice that it intends to terminate your Membership.

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